It is rewarding to look back over the last few months and see how God is using His people to shine His light in Ariah Park. Anthony was inducted as pastor on 6 March. It was a very encouraging service giving glory to our great God who brings all things about in His timing. Many family and friends of the Webbs travelled to share this day and a fellowship lunch with us.
Over Easter Anthony preached a four-part series on The Cross, The Resurrection, The Ascension and The Holy Spirit, and has now preaching through Hebrews. We are also regularly encouraged by several lay preachers in the congregation who bring God’s Word to us, and other nearby congregations in Temora Baptist and Ardlethan Uniting, from time to time.
Our regular Bible studies are working through 1 Timothy, the Sermon on the Mount from the book of Matthew, 1 Peter and the KYB women are enjoying the book of John. The Youth Connect Group is continuing to connect with each other and the leaders, over a board game or other activity, and connect with God’s Word. Over these cooler weeks they have enjoyed hot chocolate and messages from Psalms.
We enjoyed an old style Sunday School Picnic out at Betric Hall where the kids ran races, made craft and we enjoyed afternoon tea and a sausage sizzle together. This was hosted by the Discovery Club (Sunday School) which continues to meet before the church service each week. Some of these kids, and kids from the local school, also attended “Kids’ Camp Out” in Narrandera in March with some leaders from church.
We hosted the local Combined Churches’ Mens’ Breakfast where the message was supplemented by a cooked breakfast and encouraging fellowship. The “Creating Safe Spaces” ministry training day was well attended with people from a variety of surrounding church communities. The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party was also well attended by senior’s in our community. It was a fun afternoon of games, songs, good company and delicious afternoon tea. Many of these senior citizens we hope we come along to our morning “Prime Time” program which commences monthly from May.
Coming up in the next few weeks some women are heading off to a couple of events, being the CWCI Temora seminar on “Growing in Grace” (16 May) and the Orange Christian Women’s Conference (21 May).
We have also set up two Facebook pages: Ariah Park Baptist Church and Youth Connect Groups (see links to the right) to find out more of our happenings.
In your prayers for us you could also include prayer for:
· Those involved in SRE in Ariah Park Central School and Barmedman Primary School.
· The high school SRE session we are running in June at APCS.
· The combined Community Church Service that we are leading this year at the end of July.
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